Monday, March 2, 2009

Tabule Salad!!

Ok. I LOVE THIS SALAD!! It is an Arabic or middle eastern salad. When I was on my mission we were teaching this amazing man from Lebanon. One day it was a huge blizzard and we couldn't drive anywhere but he lived not to far from our house so we walked there with our shovels and shoveled his walk because he had a bad back. In turn he fed us this amazing salad... I kind of just make it by guessing how much of what to put in. But here are the basics.

so 2 or 3 bundles of parsley
2 or 3 tomatoes
2 lemons squeezed
half an onion (red or even green...or both)
olive oil
salt (just enough to flavor)
couscous (I just kind of guess on this too..but just enough to make it look pretty)
I'm told you can also put mint in it. but I've never tried that.

hope you like it and it's ubiquitous flavor! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to try this for sure. I love that picture and how you put the stuff around- the lemon and olive oil- how cute!
