Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Thanks Alex,
but you are RIGHT! it is not that kind of blog. This is a RECIPE blog where we post what new stuff we are trying in the kitchen and share how it worked out. Sometimes I want to try recipes that I think will have required too much effort if they are not even that good! SO! here's our chance to share success stories and not success stories behind our aprons. Have fun with this! If you think someone should be able to contribute- or if you happen upon this blog and would like to contribute- just send me an email with the email address where I should send the invite and NO Sweat.

The kitchen just got hotter :)


  1. I love you Irene! AND I'm excited about new recipes!! :)

  2. see, but you changed the name of the blog so now my original post doesn't make sense. oh well.

  3. lol-sorry about that! I think your comment works no matter what... plus I had to change the name because of the template.. it was hard to find a good one!
